On becoming a hero: Ask God for a daily portion of courage

I find his name almost daily on the front page of my newspaper and I hear from him, or about him, in practically every television news bulletin. At least that is still the case at the time I am writing this blog. Chances are that this will remain the situation for some time to come. I am talking about Volodymir Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, the 46-year-old president of Ukraine. He once was a popular comedian and an actor who played the role of president in a TV series. His country suffered from chaos and corruption, so he decided to run as a candidate in his country’s national elections. Zelensky won those elections with an overwhelming majority and was installed on May 20, 2019, as the sixth president of Europe’s second largest country that has a population of over 44 million people. Now, two years later, he is widely admired for his courage and has become a national and international hero.

Examples of courage
Being “courageous” is a synonym for being brave and daring, especially at times of crisis when the stakes are high. It is a matter of taking action when many do not have the nerves to do so. Heroes are men and women we admire for what they have the guts to do, often under very difficult circumstances. This hero may be a fictional or mythical figure, a woman or man from the distant or more recent past, or a contemporary. We distinguish several categories of heroes. Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), killed at the moment of his greatest victory in the Battle of Trafalgar, is remembered by the British as the greatest naval hero in their history. Michael Johnson, Muhammed Ali, Magic Johnson and Serena Williams are among the famous American sports heroes, who are also widely known in other parts of the world. Sean Connery, Roger Moore and other performers of the 007-role, as well as female stars such as Jane Fonda, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep have in the eyes of many moviegoers become movie heroes. The Netherlands longest running musical Soldier of Orange is based on the true story of Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, a World War II resistance hero.
The eleventh chapter from the biblical book of Hebrews has become known as the gallery of heroes of faith! Reading and re-reading this section of Scripture is a most inspiring—yet rather baffling— experience. It recounts the brave deeds of men and women who put their own lives on the line in the service of their God. We learn about an elderly man who was told by God to migrate, together with his family, to an unknown destination. About someone who killed a lion with his bare hands. And about men and women who “faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment” and cruel forms of death.

We admire the heroes of the past and the present. Often that admiration is accompanied by the realization that we ourselves are not so courageous. We are not sure whether we would be capable of similar heroism at the critical moment. When I hear of someone who went into a burning house to save a child, I wonder if I could muster that kind of courage in such a situation. Just as a large number of other Adventists I watched with excitement and immense admiration the movie Hacksaw Ridge—the story of the non-combatant medic Desmond Doss, who put his life on the line during the battle for the Japanese island of Okinawa, and succeeded in saving 75 men. And I am fascinated by the story of another Adventist who became famous because of his heroic role in the Dutch-Paris Escape Line. During World War II this resistance organization saved the lives of about one thousand Jews and other people who had to flee from the German Gestapo. Jean Weidner (1912-1994) risked his own life in providing leadership to a group of other courageous people who defied the ever present danger of being captured, tortured and sent to their death in a concentration camp, when they assisted people to reach the French-Swiss border and cross into freedom over the Salève mountain range, behind the Adventist College of Collonges. No, I don’t think I could have been part of that courageous group.

Courage and faith
Desmond Doss and Jean Weidner were heroes. They were also men of faith, but should we therefore consider them heroes of faith? Or were they rather war heroes after all? There are many non-believer-heroes in addition to such (Adventist) believers as Doss and Weidner, and it is difficult to precisely map the relationship between courage and faith. But, even if there undeniably are non-believing heroes, many Christians will tell us that their faith has often been a source of courage for them. In Psalm 23—one of the best-known spiritual hymns—David confesses his trust in God: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.” We hear an echo of these words God spoke through the prophet Isaiah: “Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10, RSV).
How does this happen? How does God give us courage, and how can we ever be capable of heroic deeds? We should not expect to match the courage of people like President Zelensky, Desmond Doss or Jean Weidner overnight, or even in the long run. But what we may expect is that God will give us the courage to be sincere and honest in our everyday lives—even when that may not always seem expedient—and to confidently bear witness to our faith. It may sometimes take courage to pray in a busy restaurant before our meal, to tell others about our faith, or to ask colleagues not to swear in our presence. But God can and will give us that kind of courage if we ask Him for it.

Could I become a hero?
Whether we have the courage to perform a truly heroic act we will only know when we are in an exceptional situation. Do I have the courage to jump into a canal to save a child from drowning before my very eyes? Frankly, I don’t know. As I think about it at this moment, sitting at my desk, I wonder if it would be wise to do so. Am I a good enough swimmer? Wouldn’t there be a good chance that such a possibly heroic act on my part would fail, only resulting in an additional casualty? Perhaps I should not worry, but simply can pray God and ask Him if He will continually guide me and make it clear at critical moments what I should do. Who knows if I could become a hero in such circumstances?

I recently read a fascinating, but also very sobering, book by the Japanese author Shusaku Endo. It is about Sebastian Rodrigo, a young Portuguese priest who travelled in 1638 to Japan at a time when the Japanese authorities had turned against the Catholic missionaries and tortured and killed many of them. If ever I read about a hero of faith, it was this heroic Sebastian Rodrigo. Would I have been able to persist with my missionary task in the face of such deadly opposition? Or would I have looked for the first ship to take me back to Portugal?
In the Middle Ages and in the Reformation era, millions of Christians (Protestants of various persuasions and Roman Catholics) paid for their faith with their lives. Had I lived in those times, would I have been able to climb the stake, singing a Psalm, as many did? And suppose one day there were to be a persecution of Seventh-day Adventists in my part of the world (as the traditional Adventist end-time scenario predicts), how courageous would I be? Would I be able to remain steadfast in my faith even if it required a high price? There is only one answer to questions like that. God expects that we pray to Him each day for the strength needed to face the challenges of that particular day. And then leave everything else to him.

Perhaps we think we can never become a hero. After all, we cannot stand in the shadow of the brave men and women we encounter in our history books, or on the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. But remember: many of the heroes we learned about in our history books were not perfect people. The same is true of the heroes in the Bible. Noah had a drinking problem. Jacob cheated on his disabled father. David had sex with someone else’s wife…

And let’s not think that heroes were never afraid before they became a hero. Anne van der Bijl (1928-2022), the famous smuggler of Bibles into communist countries in the Cold War era, emphasized that a hero is not someone who is never afraid, but someone who perseveres in spite of his fear! So, join me in praying daily for courage for all the small (and possibly big) challenges we face in our life. We do not know whether we will ever be called upon to become a hero, but we do know that God can give us the right amount of courage we need at the right time. Therefore, “be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24).

Did the Dutch pre-date Adam and Eve?

“God created the world, but the Dutch made Holland.” Find a map of the Netherlands in the Middle Ages and compare it with a map that reflects the current situation, and you will understand why these words became a popular maxim. Many areas which used to be water have been reclaimed. They became fertile agricultural grounds and have provided space for numerous smaller and larger towns. Until the early decades of the twentieth century there was a large body of water in the center of the country. It covered some 5,000 square kilometers (almost 2,000 square miles). It was salty, for it was in open connection with the North Sea. Today only about half of this Zuiderzee (that was the old name) is left and has been renamed IJsselmeer. It is presently a lake of sweet water, cut off from the salty water in the North by a heavy dam of 32 km in length, which is not only a safety barrier—to keep the salt water at bay—but also accommodates a four-lane highway.

The Afsluitdijk (literally: the “closing off dike”) was built in a little more than four years and was ready in 1932. It was the first major project to be completed after the Dutch government in 1918 passed a law that would serve as the blueprint for the reclamation of a major part of the IJsselmeer and for creating a new province in the heart of the country. A first section of the water that was cordoned off by a dike and pumped dry was the Noordoostpolder–today still a thriving agricultural district. Work on the new land, with a completely new infrastructure, continued during the second World War. After the war ten villages and towns were built, with a present population of just over 50.000.
Subsequently, a larger part of the IJsselmeer also became a polder. The work was split into two phases, the eastern polder (East Flevoland, 1957) and the southern polder (South Flevoland, 1968). Several major towns have been built in this part of our new province. Almere, with its more than 225.000 inhabitants, is now the seventh largest city in the country.

Four meters below the sea level
Since 2008 my wife and I live in an apartment in Zeewolde, a town in South Flevoland with 24,000 in habitants. Our town is currently celebrating that it now exists 40 years! We are quite happy to live here. It is very centrally located in the country, the town has a lot of green, and a lot of space—and parking is free. Sometimes people ask whether it is not scary to live in a polder, for suppose the dike will break. It is true that, if the dikes would break, or if the Russians would decide to destroy it, we would be in the midst of a lake of about four meters deep. I sometimes joke that we are not really worried, since our apartment is on the second floor, and our feet would therefore remain dry. Seriously, the dangers of living in a polder like ours are probably smaller than the risks of living in a big city. We hope we can live here peacefully, and in good health, for many years to come.

History: land – water – land
The other day, I wondered how it would be for Elder Ted Wilson to live in a place like ours. He would hear about the history of this new part of the Netherlands and would have to find some modus to fit the history of this part of the country into his beliefs about the “recent” origin of the earth and an even more “recent” global flood. Let me explain.
Before this huge project of creating areas of dry land, the body of water which was once referred to as the Zuiderzee did not always exist. In earlier times, before several major floods devastated the area, it was swampy land, with here and there some inhabited areas. Archeologists have discovered that in some places in our polder hunter-gatherers were already eking out their existence some 7,000 years ago. Near the village of Swifterbant, in eastern Flevoland, remains of old houses were found during the reclamation of Flevoland, eventually some fourteen in all. Archaeologists also found a skeleton in fairly good condition, the so-called “head man of Swifterbant.” More recently, it has been discovered that people were already working small fields at this time. This culture—which extended to the German states of Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, and is related to other finds in the east of the Netherlands and in Denmark, with its specific kind of ceramics, is now usually referred to as the Swifterbant Culture.
For traditional, conservative Seventh-day Adventists (as Wilson) there is an obvious problem with the discoveries of the archeologist, for the experts date these remains as going back to around 5,000 BC, that is: seven thousand years ago. How can this fit with the conviction that the creation of our earth is “recent”, as number six of the Fundamental Beliefs insist. Admittedly, not all conservative Adventists will follow the chronology of bishop Usher and date the creation at 4004 BC. Many will allow for a somewhat longer period and stretch the meaning of “recent” to (at most) some ten thousand years.
Assuming that the archeologists who have studied the Swifterbant Culture know what they are talking about, this allowance for 10,000 years by young earth geologists does not really solve the problem. Even if life on earth started some ten thousand years ago with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, somewhere in present-day Iraq, it is quite a step to accept the idea that after a relatively short time their quite primitive descendants had reached what is now as the Flevopolder in the Netherlands. The more so, since we must also reckon with the global flood which, according to a literal interpretation of the Genesis story, covered the entire earth. Even if we do not accept Usher’s date of the Flood in 2350 BC as realistic, a literal reading of the Old Testament account demands, according to traditional Adventism, that a global flood destroyed everything, possibly four or five thousand years before Christ. Such a flood would not only have destroyed the people who lived near Noe, and saw him entering the ark, but must also have killed the people who were hunting and gathering food and experimented with growing food on small fields in Flevoland. And such a global flood of a magnitude that it covered even the highest mountains, would have left no trace of the Swifterbant Culture!

And what about the dinosaurs and the ice ages?
How would Wilson and other conservative Adventists respond to my questions about the original inhabitants of the area where I now live? They are actually very simple questions compared to the many problems with regard to the origin of the universe and our solar systems. And they are quite simple compared to, for instance, the many riddles that still surround the dinosaurs. As I write these lines, I have just seen a news items from Australia. A researcher by the name of Adele Pentland identified, with her team from Curtin University, a new species, after the discovery of the 100 hundred million years old fossilized remains of a new species of Pterosaur. This powerful flying predator had a wingspan of perhaps as much as 12 meters How do we account for such fossilized remains within the scheme of a “recent” creation?
But, staying closer to home, more complicated issues than the dating of the Swifterbant culture provide major challenges for the theory of a “recent” creation. Huge boulders of various kinds of rocks are found in several places in the northern part of the Netherlands. How did they get there, in an environment without any mountains or rocks? They were transported there by the thick crust of ice that covered parts of northern Europe in ages past. Geologists tell us that, in the past three million years, between twenty and thirty ice ages have occurred. Several of these reached parts of the Netherlands and played an important role in de the formation of the Dutch landscape.
Just this week ago an exhibition has opened that provides a panorama of what our province was like some 100,000 years ago—long before the Swifterbant people lived here. There were ice ages in the past, but there was also a period with a subtropical climate. From bones that have been found it is clear that there once were forest elephants, rhino’s, giant deers and mammoths. Besides animal remains, tools of Neanderthals have also been found, such as flint tools, worked antlers and bone remains.
I am certainly no expert on these things, but I have long ago stopped believing that we must find ways of fitting all of these discoveries in a scheme based on a “recent” creation and a global flood, just a few thousand years ago.
I believe that God is the Creator. Everything that exists has its origin in God’s creative activities. I have, however, no idea when and by what process God created. The biblical creation account is theology, not science. Numerous flood stories around the world suggest, together with the Genesis story, that there was, at one time in the distant past, a large flood with devastating effects. But we must depend on the scientific world for learning more about the details.

Thinking about Neanderthalers, ice ages, the Swifterbant culture, etcetera, I just wonder: Is it not time, also for conservative Seventh-day Adventists in 2024, to accept the consensus of the scientists who have studied these things, rather than clinging obstinately to theories that must accord with a literalist “plain” reading of the Bible? Too many people have already left Adventism because of the anti-intellectual attitude of influential persons and currents in our church.

My salvation does not depend on the dating of an earlier civilization in the area where I currently live, nor on the question whether and when Neanderthals may have lived there. My faith is built on the “recent” reality of the One whom we know lived and died on this earth just over 2,000 years ago. In the distant past He created life, and He guarantees future eternal life. It’s time the focus of all Adventist Christians is on what belongs to the core of the Christian faith—and not on elements that are at best at the fringe of our faith experience.

The two windows of Sister Bertken

I had heard the name of Sister Bertken but knew little about her. That changed when I attended a meeting of the Dutch Society for Church History, where the program was a lecture about Sister Bertken. It was a fascinating story.

Sister Bertken was born in 1457 as the illegitimate daughter of Jacob van Lichtenberg, a prominent member of the clergy in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Being the child of a priest was no reason for shame in the late Middle Ages; in all likelihood, Sister Bertken grew up in the home of her father, and received a good education.

Around 23 she entered a convent in preparation for an even more ardent life as a follower of Jesus. She used the money she had inherited to have a cell built adjacent to the Buurkerk, one of the large churches in Utrecht. There she lived for 57 years as a recluse.

Sister Bertken chose a minimalist lifestyle. During the 57 years in her cell, she wore a coarse hairy garment on her naked body, and always was barefoot. She never ate meat or dairy products. Her daily life was structured around the seven prayers which she recited at the prescribed times. She wrote some booklets and a number of hymns, and was the first woman in the Netherlands whose writing appeared in print. She spent the major part of her time copying manuscripts.

Sister Bertken was not the only woman in this era who opted for a life in the isolation of a “cluse” adjacent to a major church. Around that time there were as many as two hundred such women who chose to be locked into a cell, to spend their lives in prayer and meditation in a kind of one-person convent.

Two windows

Sister Bertken’s cell was about 3 by 4 meters. It probably had a small door so that someone could enter with food and take away her chamber pot.

The main feature of her extremely basic abode, which had no heating, was that it had two windows. One window gave a view of the interior of the church, from which she could participate in the holy mass and observe the dynamic of a medieval basilica, which was—to put it mildly—a rather lively affair.

On the other side of her cell was a window that could be opened to the outside world. At set times Sister Bertken was available for pastoral counseling and prayers for passers-by, who could include prominent citizens and even members of the higher clergy. Over time, she gained the reputation of being not only a pious but also a wise woman.

This feature of the two windows was perhaps what struck me most. Religious commitment has a dual vision: a clear view of the church and worship, as well as a clear view on what occurs in the world among those we encounter.

Total commitment

If I were asked to choose one way to characterize the life of Sister Bertken, it would be “total commitment.”

These two words remind me of a remarkable episode in the history of the Adventist Church. In 1997 Robert S. Folkenberg, the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, pushed for the adoption of a document that expressed the idea of total commitment. Initially this was targeted at the educational branch of the church, but eventually it was broadened to include all levels of church administration and departmental branches.

The final paragraph caused considerable protest. It indicated that there was to be some agency to regularly assess the state of this commitment. The document eventually became Policy A 15 in the General Conference Working Policy, “Total Commitment to God. A Declaration of Spiritual Accountability in the Family of Faith.” You can read it by clicking this link.

There is much in this “declaration” that I agree with. Other parts of it make me uneasy. Why did this statement get the status of a policy? Why does Adventism want to package so many things as “policies”? Is commitment to God not first of all a personal confession of faith rather than a policy that is prescribed by ecclesial authorities?

What also struck me was how this Folkenberg-era commitment is linked to the administrative and organizational structure of the church. Is the church’s administrative structure really the backbone of religious commitment? And why is religious commitment a community statement rather than a personal pledge?

Sadly, Elder Folkenberg, the initiator of this declaration of “total commitment,” had to withdraw prematurely from his leadership role when it became clear that his own commitment to Christian integrity was far from “total.” And isn’t this kind of personal commitment, after all, what counts?

A balanced commitment

I see four elements in Sister Bertken’s total commitment. It was:

aimed at serving people; and
Sister Bergen’s commitment to her faith was certainly connected with her church. Her daily program was embedded in the prayer practices of her time. She chose to avail herself of the opportunity to live in a small cell that was built against the outer wall of a church.

Yet her chosen lifestyle was also highly personal: a life of simplicity and isolation, without being a part of the church’s organizational structure. It seems to me that her commitment manifested a wonderful balance of personal piety and religious culture.

Among today’s Christians (Adventists included), this balance is frequently missing. Too often, in our age of individualism, religious commitment misses the embedment in the rich heritage of the Christian faith. And, on the other hand, it is all too common that religious commitment depends on being organized and given corporate form by denominational organizations.

Two windows, revisited

The two windows in Sister Bertken’s cell are symbolic of the dual nature of her commitment. They represent the horizontal and the vertical aspect of serving God. Through one of her windows she was linked to the worship and rituals of the church: the preaching of the Word, the prayer and praise of fellow-believers. Through that window she watched the eucharist, baptisms, weddings and funerals.

But through the other window she saw everyday life in the outside world. She saw ox-drawn carts, horses, stray dogs, beggars. She saw commerce, children playing, elderly men and women of all walks of life. She saw priests and nuns and everything that was part of medieval life.

Through the one window she talked with God and listened to others communicating with God. Through the other window she listened to the people who came to her with their problems, who told her of their challenges and sufferings, and who asked her for prayer and for counsel.

True Christianity is vertical and horizontal

To blend these two aspects has been a challenge for the church—for some denominations more than for others. Some religious movements maintain that preaching the gospel is the only reason for the existence of the church. Social work may be important but can best be left to non-religious organizations. Nothing should take the place of leading people to the truth!

Other denominations emphasize a “social gospel” so much that the story of the cross and the resurrection of Christ gets obscured.

I know Adventist congregations that have found a balance between the vertical and the horizontal. But I also know of congregations where the only question is: “What can we tell you?” without bothering to ask “What can we do for you?” Too much of what we Adventists do misses true altruism. and is simply part of a member-recruitment program.

At the same time, I have wondered whether ADRA and our hospital systems could do more to emphasize that they are faith-based entities.

The long-term

Sister Bertken’s ministry has yet another message for the church, which happens to also be a very personal message for me: she was blessed with a long life, and persevered for 57 in her cloistered ministry. As I listened to her story, I wondered whether she was ever tempted to leave her cell, start a family, and start a normal life. But no, she persevered in her calling.

Perseverance in commitment, a project, or an ideal is not a strong point in our postmodern western culture. In my church career I have shifted my focus a number of times from one ministry to another. I sometimes wonder: Could I have been more productive if I had stayed longer with a particular ministry?

For example, do we move pastors around too frequently, without giving them the opportunity to really become part of the community of the people entrusted to their pastoral care? Are too many pastors too eager to leave local ministry for administrative offices, where they can travel around as experts on what they’re no longer doing themselves?

The Adventist Church is constantly adopting new strategies, new projects, and new programs, while missing the patience to carefully analyze the results. The Adventist Church thinks in terms of short cycles. The mantra “time is short” constantly echoes in our spiritual ears. We have never learned to think in terms of long-term trends and developments. Think what difference it could have made had we looked at what could be accomplished in the next 20-30 years, rather than just until the next General Conference session!

Yes, Sister Bertken was a Roman Catholic, which may lead Adventists to reject her as a role model. (The Catholic Church was the only Christian church in the city where she lived, as Luther and Calvin had not yet split the church into different segments.) Can we still honor her as a Christian who demonstrated “total commitment”?

Why are Christians So Fearful?

I don’t scare easily, but I recall like yesterday how terrified I was.

It happened in the mid-1980s when I worked in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon, about 250 kilometers from the coast. I was the manager of the Imprimerie Adventiste, the denominational publishing house and printing plant for the French-speaking part of Africa. That day I had gone for some business to Douala—the port city at a 40-minute flight from where I lived. When I had finished my mission and returned to the airport, I missed the last flight of the day back home.

I had no desire to spend the night in a hotel, so I decided to look for a cab. I bargained with a driver, offered him half of what he asked—and with that he was more than content. We began the journey of about 4 hours. Soon we were outside the port city of Douala, where the jungle began. It was pitch black.

Then, totally unexpectedly, the driver reduced speed and turned into a narrow, dark forest path.

“Don’t worry,” he said.

But I did. “What are you doing,” I shouted. “Go back.” He drove on for about a kilometer. I did not know what to do. This is not going to end well, I thought.

But then, there was a small shack. The driver stopped the cab. Inside the shack were several barrels of gas. From one of the barrels he filled his tank. He then explained that an uncle of his worked as a truck driver for Shell. He transported barrels of gas, and every now and then a barrel just happened to fall off his truck…

I breathed a sigh of relief—but I had never been so scared.

There was one other time when I was also very afraid—but that was a very different kind of fear. It was when I had just heard the diagnosis of prostate cancer. What did that mean? What treatment options did I have?

Both times it ended well. I came home in one piece that night after a long drive through the forest. And I was declared “clean” after a successful prostate cancer treatment and the necessary check-ups.

Diffferent kinds of fear
I think it’s safe to say that we all have experiences of fear. There is a long list of phobias that can make life quite uncomfortable. Topping the list of most frequent phobias in the United States are arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and ophidiophobia (fear of snakes). These kinds of anxieties are followed by a fear of heights and a fear of flying. Claustrophobia (panic when being in an enclosed space), agoraphobia (entering open or crowded places) and mysophobia (extreme fear of germs) are also high on the phobia list.

While each of these phobias can be experienced as a major impediment, other sorts of anxiety appear to cut even deeper into the human soul. The cry of anguish of the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch receives a piercing echo in the fear for the future of countless men and women.

Will there perhaps, before too long, be another world war, this time fought with nuclear weapons? Will there be enough food and clean water on our planet for a growing population? And what about our personal future? Many fear for their own physical wellbeing, or fear the loss of their partner, or are afraid their children will make wrong choices. Elderly people fear the moment they can no longer drive, or detect the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease and the onset of dementia.

And, whether we acknowledge it or not: most of us fear death.

Faith and fear
Through the prophetic voice of Isaiah God told his people of old:

Fear not, for I am with you; look not anxiously, for I am your God. I strengthen you, also I help you, also I sustain you with My holy right hand! (Isaiah 41:10).

These words were not only directed to the prophet’s contemporaries but also to God’s people in our day and age.

But are all Christians—and more specifically: all Seventh-day Adventist believers—able to repeat with confidence the words of Psalm 56:12: “In God I trust, fear I know not, what can any man do to me?” Unfortunately, that is not the case.

The faith of many—maybe most—Christians is mixed with fear. And that is not as it should be, for the gospel is not a doomsday message but is “euangelion” or “good news.” It is about love, salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, freedom and peace in Christ, and eternal life. Jesus underlined this with his famous statement: “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:1).

Jesus was not referring to being afraid in the dark, or to the fear of flying. And He did not speak of depressions and the kind of anxieties that may require the help of a therapist. Jesus comforted his disciples, who were afraid that the entire kingdom-story would end in a fiasco. He was speaking of things for which theologian Paul Tillich coined the term ultimate concern.

The judgment
I once had a conversation with a physician who for a number of years had worked as a family practitioner in a small town in the Dutch Bible Belt. At least half of the area where he worked belongs to denominations of a very conservative variety of Calvinism, with the doctrine of double predestination as an essential aspect of their faith. They are convinced that, from all eternity, God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will eternally burn in hell.

The doctor told me he was not a believer, but that he had been very surprised to meet so many patients who were frightened to die. He asked me: “Should people who believe in the message of the Bible not face death without any fear?”

Many Seventh-day Adventists live in fear of the judgment. They do not fear the eternally burning hell fire, since Adventists have, from early on, accepted the doctrine of annihilationism: the second death. But our teachings about judgment have caused many to doubt whether they can ever be sure of their salvation.

The obsession with perfection has jeopardized the spiritual life of too many of us. It has imprisoned believers in a cage of legalism, with the constant fear that there may be sins that have not been forgiven, shortcomings perhaps unwittingly overlooked, and so never confessed.

The heresy of last generation theology has hundreds of thousands of church members worldwide in its nefarious grip, leaving them wondering whether they are worthy to belong to the small remnant that will eventually make it to the kingdom.

The investigative judgment
The investigative judgment teaching in particular has robbed Adventist believers of inner peace.

After the “disappointment” of 1844 the doctrine emerged that, since that date, a pre-Advent judgment has been in sessions, during which “the books” are meticulously inspected. This “investigative judgment” will determine who will participate in the “first resurrection” at the second coming of Christ. Many ask the unnerving question: “What will happen when my name comes up? Will our heavenly Judge give me the green light and declare me as “righteous”?

Periodically this topic is revisited in our Sabbath School quarterlies. It is presented as a key doctrine of Adventism and, to their credit, usually the author reminds readers that with Jesus Christ as our High Priest and Mediator, there is no reason for anxiety.

Yet, in many minds there remains a deep-seated fear that we can never be sure that we are good enough.

The doctrine of the investigative judgment is still very much part of the official beliefs of our church. But, in spite of all frantic efforts from the higher regions of the church to preserve this doctrine, it seems that the I.J. (as it is often abbreviated) is losing support and few pastors nowadays preach on it! The conviction is growing that the biblical basis for this doctrine is extremely slim.

Will this traditional Adventist teaching disappear? History teaches us that denominations are not easily inclined to officially abandon a particular doctrine. But they may simply cease to talk about it—even while it remains in the official documents. This is true of the doctrine of predestination in a number of Reformed denominations in my country, and it may well happen in our church with regard to the I.J.

If it does, it will deliver many from a deep-seated fear.

The end
Perhaps an even greater source of fear is the frightening end-time scenarios, the historicist interpretations of Daniel and the Revelation crafted by our pioneers—particularly in Ellen White’s Great Controversy. The incessant emphasis on such topics as the time of trouble, the seven last plagues, the papal Antichrist, the Sunday-laws, the mark of the beast, the shaking, the close of probation, and Armageddon has for many totally eclipsed the “blessed” hope of the “glorious appearing” of our Lord Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

It seems, when I glance through the Facebook postings of conservative Adventists that the complicated schedules, with lines that indicate historical periods, intersected with dates, are as popular today in Adventist circles as they were when the pioneers developed their prophetic charts.

Speaking in the context of the period prior to his return, and the dreadful events that may then be expected, Jesus admonished his disciples: “Do not be frightened” (Luke 21:9). The last-day events will indeed cause widespread fear (and not just among Adventists), but this fear should give way to faith and hope: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). The words of Isaiah sound as if they were written in our twenty-first century:

Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it (Isaiah 8:12).

There is no doubt that we live in serious times, and that the future of this world is under threat. Believers in Christ can expect major difficulties in the final phase of the history of our planet, before they are redeemed.

But any anxiety about what might come should be absorbed by the assurance of our Lord: “I am with you always, until the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Trust in God
The apostle Paul gave Timothy a clear signal about how to deal with fear:

The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

And remember the powerful testimony of the Psalmist of how we may find the inner strength to overcome fear: “In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?” (56:11). Faith that is grounded in the good news of the gospel refuses to give in to fear.

The gospel is a message of love. Love always has the last word:

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us, so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment . . . There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear . . . (1 John 4:16, 17).

How soon will I die?

This essay is about life and death, and about life after death. It is an intimate and personal topic, because it touches directly on my own life and inevitable death.

I know that I am alive. The fact that I am writing this is sufficient proof that I am still in the land of the living.

But I also know with absolute certainty that one day I will die. It would be foolish of me were I not to recognize that most of my life is over. I don’t want to ruminate too much about my inevitable demise, but I have reached the phase that, according to Psalms 90:10, “by reason of strength” I’ve made it past three-score-and-ten, and now beyond four-score.

I’m certain I’m old, but I do not know with the same kind of certainty what comes next after the curtain has fallen on my earthly existence. As a Christian, I affirm what Christians throughout the ages have professed when quoting the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe in the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.”

What is life?

We share our human life on planet Earth with some eight billion people. Every day worldwide about 150,000 people die, but this is more than compensated for by the 365,000 births. People differ in many ways, with respect to culture, gender, age, skin color, sexual orientation, and many other characteristics, but whether we are white Americans and Europeans, Asians, Africans or Inuit; whether we belong to the contingent of older women or male adolescents; or any other age, gender or ethnic combination, we all belong to the same species of homo sapiens.

But of course we’re not alone as representatives of life. There are some 5,500 different species of mammals on our planet. Bird-watchers tell us that the mammal species are by far outnumbered by the 9,000 species of birds. Add to that 33,000 species of fish and a million-plus kinds of insects.

Oh, and at least 300,000 species of trees and plants.

What do all these living things have in common? Or to rephrase the question: What, in fact, is life?

Over the years, many definitions have been proposed. As Jack Hoehn wrote in these pages recently, it is not so easy to unambiguously define the boundary between living and non-living things, and the question deserves much debate. For example, are viruses, which cause so much disease in living organisms, even living organisms themselves?

Human life

We would agree that the kind of life that humans possess is unique. I conclude this from the creation stories at the beginning of the Bible. Human life is much more than an assembly of chemical and biological processes; in addition to physical characteristics, there are also intellectual and spiritual dimensions. We are living beings who not only can reproduce and respond to general stimuli, but we can love and hate, use language, understand symbols, and are capable of aesthetic and spiritual feelings.

I have many questions about the first chapters of Genesis, but I continue to believe in Divine creation. How and when creation happened, I don’t know. But I believe that life resulted from a divine initiative—it did not arise by mere chance, but it was created. I do not know what that exactly means. Creating (in the absolute sense) is not something we humans do. God is life, and God created the life we see around us. God created us.

The creation story informs us that human life differs from other forms of life. I do not know what will become of these other forms of life when this present world has come to its end. In a number of places the Bible hints at the existence of animal and plant life in the world to come, but we can only guess about the degree of continuity between now and then. Will there be lions and lambs, but no dinosaurs? And what about rats and sharks?

However, as far as human life is concerned, God’s Word is quite clear about a definite continuity between our present lives and our re-created existence in the hereafter. Because our human life is so special, it holds the promise of eternity. Jesus, along with the Father and the Spirit, underlined this when He declared that He is Life (with a capital letter) and that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.

I recognize that this requires some huge leaps of faith and trust, and it raises more questions than we can ever find answers for this side of eternity. So be it. The bottom line for us is: Life is a beautiful gift, but in final analysis it is something inexplicable.

That’s because it comes from God.


It seems that the older we get, the more funerals we attend. As a retired pastor I have in recent years been asked far more often to lead funerals than to conduct weddings.

All life ends in death. As we grow older most of us lose our parents, our friends, the people we grew up with. Many lose a partner or even children. If we have pets, we have to accept their limited lifespan: we will outlive most of them.

Most of us want to protect life, but we exterminate pests and kill mosquitoes and flies. Some of us eat parts of animals, at least of certain species! Even trees will eventually die, even though a few may be centuries old.

Death is a stark reality. People can die of old age, but death can also come as the result of war or a natural disaster, or through a fatal traffic accident.

Paradoxically, while most people want to push death away as far as possible, it is simultaneously becoming increasingly familiar in our culture. Crime novels and television series about shrewd detectives who unmask killers are hugely popular, though they offer a constant menu of violence and death. In most video games, the players must kill enemies if they want to score points. By age eighteen, most young people have already seen thousands of murders on television and film.

Denying death

Yet we also find that for many in our Western world, talking about death and dying is taboo. In general, people do not want to be confronted with the reality of their finitude any more than is absolutely necessary. This is even reflected in the terminology that is often used. People no longer “die,” but they “pass.” They “leave us” or “are no longer with us.”

Death is often placed at a distance. A major percentage of people die in a hospital or hospice and are cared for in their final days by professionals rather than by their loved ones. And once they die, in most cases, professionals tend to their lifeless bodies. In our aging Western world, the “funeral industry” (the term is meaningful in itself!) has become big business. In the United States, 130,000 people are employed in this “industry,” which has a turnover of more than $20 billion a year.

But whatever we think of death, we cannot stay ahead of the grim reaper. Time is relentless: we live and we die!

Yet just as it is not easy to come up with a definition of life that satisfies everyone, there is also no simple answer to the question of what death exactly is. Most dictionaries agree in defining an important aspect of death as the permanent end of all vital functions. This may seem quite obvious, but dying can be a slow process, and a person may be “brain dead” before all functions have completely stopped. Is a person who is in a vegetative state still alive in a meaningful sense of the word?

Of course, the question of the nature of death is not just a matter of biology, just as life is not confined to the realm of chemistry and biology. What is death from a philosophical or religious point of view? What happens when life ends? Is death the absolute and final end of who and what we are now? Or is it the gateway to a new kind of existence?

To be or not to be is the very existential question we all face in one way or another.

My leap of faith

I take a leap of faith to believe that both life and death involve a dimension beyond our human comprehension. Because life has its origin in the divine Source of life, “death” is ultimately caused by a total separation from this Source of life. Both life and death have supernatural dimensions. The traditional Christian response to the phenomenon of death is that human sin is its cause. I accept this premise, but realize more and more sharply, as I continue to reflect on this topic, that this Christian solution raises many other questions.

The biblical story tells us that humans were created perfect, and originally lived in a paradisiacal situation where death was unknown. As a result of the failure of the first humans to follow the rules God had given, they were punished, and death made its entrance, not only for the first humans but for everything living.

Through the centuries, many have racked their brains about whether they like such a God. They have wondered why God could not have dealt with the violation of His commandment in a gentler way. Many of us shudder at the explanations of theologians who speak in terms of “original sin,” and of “man’s corrupt, sinful nature.” They ask: Was death the only disciplinary measure a God of life (and of love) could think of?

Another question that keeps coming up: What would have happened if the first human beings had not gone against God’s commandment? Would they have continued indefinitely to obey the instruction to be fruitful and fill the earth? Or would there perhaps have been a point at which, for lack of space—when the earth had, say, ten billion inhabitants—human reproduction would have slowed down or even stopped altogether?

Or would death have occurred anyway, even if there had been no sin? According to the biblical story, the earliest diet of the first humans and of animals was plant-based. Doesn’t this imply that there was already some kind of death from the very beginning, since the plants that were eaten clearly ceased to be alive?

The Christian hope

Perhaps you, too, have these questions about life and death, and especially about our hope for what comes after we die. I have been thinking more and more about the subject of death and resurrection—even wrote a book about it a few years ago. I agree with the apostle Paul, when he wrote to the church in Corinth that without the hope of the resurrection the Christian faith no longer makes sense (1 Corinthians 15:14).

For me, a few points are central:

God exists. God is eternal life. And in final analysis all life owes its existence to God.
Christ came to this earth to heal the breach between God and humanity that resulted from man’s failure to trust the Creator.
God provided information about God’s gracious dealings with humanity through the life of Jesus Christ and in the revelation that found its way into our Bible.
Christ lived an exemplary life, suffered and died, but rose from the dead and thereby gives us the hope that, if we believe in Him, we will also one day rise from the dead.
These basic beliefs are my starting point. I take a further leap of faith and build on this basis, as I try to think through the issues surrounding life and death, and as I focus particularly on the question of what follows death.

Many questions remain. I am not trying to ignore them, but I realize that they will remain unanswered because on this side of eternity our knowing will always be partial (1 Corinthians 13:12). I pray that my appreciation for the miracle of life may continue to strengthen my devotion to the God of life, and will fortify my faith in the new miraculous kind of life He wants to give me after my present existence has ended.

Paul thought a lot about life and death, and what his faith told him about it. He came to the conclusion: “Whether we live or we die, we belong to the Lord!” (Romans 14:8). What more can I add? I know deep down that “Whether I live or die, I belong to the Lord!”